Out on the bike every day with SpringCycling!

The SpringCycling rules

  1. Valid trips count wherever they were cycled. They are not restricted to a specific city or region.
  2. In case a participant enters SpringCycling after the contest started, all trips recorded with the Naviki app before participating (but after the start of SpringCycling) count if they remain below the thresholds mentioned below.
  3. Cycled trips recorded with the Naviki app count. In order to make sure that only cycled trips count, filters automatically remove recorded trips exceeding the following thresholds: length 150 km, maximum speed 60 km/h and average speed 30 km/h (for the contest we calculate the average speed based on the time you were actively moving).
  4. All kinds of bicycles are allowed: 'normal', MTB, racing, cargo, e-bikes etc.
  5. Participants can set up teams. The minimum number of participants for a team is 3, the maximum number is 10. Each participant can join one team. Valid recorded trips also count for the team. The latest opportunity for changing team membership is 24 May 2025, 23:59 Central European Time.
  6. To ensure fair play, on suspicion of cheating the SpringCycling coordinators can check accordant trips. The coordinators have the right to exclude trips they consider to be fake or questionable and to exclude participants from SpringCycling who cheat or behave unfair.
  7. All decisions are final and not subject to legal appeal, any recourse to courts of law is excluded.

Join in now!

  • Open the Naviki app and go to MORE / Contests / SpringCycling.
  • Enable "I participate".
  • Record your cycled trips with Naviki. Naviki also records your trips if you use it for navigation on a planned route. Your trips automatically count for SpringCycling.
  • Enjoy your permanently growing heatmap and the latest rankings.

SpringCycling runs from March 1, 2025 to May, 2025.


Terms, privacy, help

In terms of data protection Naviki's Privacy policy applies. Furthermore, Naviki's Terms of use apply.

For privacy on heatmaps, Naviki automatically cuts off the first and last 400 metres of each recorded trip before it appears on a team heatmap.

Help ressources